Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Running Errands--an Exercise in Time Management

I've run absolutely crazy this week. (I always tell folks that the busiest time in our universe starts at around October 12th before the Fall Festival and ends up around the second week in January. This year is holding true to that statement.)

After a crazy weekend of Sunday School Parties and Choir Practices and Christmas Cantatas, we hit the ground running again on Monday.

Lily and I ran errands while the kids were in school, which turned into a nightmare. We left the house at 9:45 or so, and she threw up at around 10:15, halfway in the middle of nowhere. She asked for some "musik, mommy", so I put on Christmas carols and there we were, singing our hearts out when I heard that terrible sound from behind me. Motion sickness. That wouldn't have been a huge problem, but in addition to being sick on herself, the car seat, and her blankie, she yacked on the spare outfit I had in the car that just happened to be strategically located under her seat. (perfect) So I had to stop at the Dollar General and buy clothes. Of course, they didn't have any clothes in her size, so we left the store in boy's pajamas.

On my list of things to do was go to the Old Time Pottery store to buy picture frames for the grandparents. This is an ordeal. I have so many in-laws and out-laws, that I have diagrams and lists with who gets what and where and in what size and what color this one prefers and what color that one needs, etc. After 45-minutes of frame shopping (which is about 30 minutes too long), just as I started toward the check out with a full buggy, the power in the store went off. Total darkness. Lily went berserk screaming until I got her out of the buggy.

They couldn't check us out (no one can figure out how to use a calculator in 2007 I suppose), so I had to abandon the buggy and go on to Wal-Mart. (The store was kind enough to put my name on the buggy of stuff should I make it back.)

On the way to the Wally World shopping center, four traffic lights were out on the busiest highway ever, so it took 30 minutes longer than it should have to navigate up the road. I hooked up with Steve (finally), and we bought the stuff for the children's Christmas program, then I loaded Lily up with him, and they went off to get the kids from school. (He called two minutes into the drive and wanted to know why he got to drive the 'funky Lily vehicle' prompting me to tell him that he was welcome to come back and finish the shopping and I'd take the kids home. He did what all men do when having That Sort of Conversation and pretended to lose cell service.)

I got yet another buggy and proceeded to shop for our personal household. (I think that two buggies at Wal-Mart and walking the entire store twice might be an effective form of torture.)

I then called the Old Time Pottery as I was shoving my sacks of stuff into the trunk to see if the lights had come back on. They were back in business, so I hauled it eight miles over there to get my stuff, not wanting to go through the Frame Ordeal again. I made it back to the house in time to sling the purchases from Wal-mart and OTP out of the car into the kitchen, and cram the kids in the car, and then drive like I was on fire to gymnastics practice. We made the 40 minute drive in 30 minutes flat.

When that was over, we had to rush back home for Steve to meet the sound system man at the church at 6:00. We came screaming in the driveway at 6:02 and did the tag team in reverse with me coming and him going this time. The beautiful man had dinner ready on the counter for us when we got inside. :-) Fish sticks and macaroni are excellent when you aren't the person fixing it, Sister.

Yesterday felt about the same as that, only I had a speaking engagement at noon and all four kids go their hair cut at 3:30. (You can only imagine this adventure, but sufficed to say that if we're on the schedule and you are planning on getting your hair do the same day, just go ahead and cancel. That or bring popcorn and watch the Johnson Show live and in color.)

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