Friday, May 17, 2019

&*($# Words

Cursing is always about intent. I can turn any word, even made up ones, into curse words. It’s always better not to salt and pepper your language with base words, because it’s just not terribly attractive, but don’t get confused—if you use the words “blast it!” In place of a cuss word, you just cussed the same way as if you’d used the four-dollar-word. You don’t get to pick and choose which words are wrong or right (outside of blaspheming the Holy Spirit which can’t be justified).  If you use any word with intent, you did it.

For example: If I call you a "fargin bastage" do you think that was an invitation to Sunday lunch or a curse? Before you get excited neither word "fargin" or "bastage" exists. They are made up--but if you yell them at someone, you have literally and figuratively cursed them.

You have to be so careful not to judge someone else's behavior as being "Christian" or "Non-Christian" because every single person breathing air (saved or not) has an opinion about everything.

You watch R movies.
You watch any movies at all.
You eat meat on Friday.
Your skirt is too short.
You play video games.
You watch the TV.
You have a TV.
You listen to any secular music.
You have ever had a glass of wine.
You have ever danced even in a square or with your Mamaw.
You eat bacon.
You don't eat bacon.
You are a female who wears pants.
Or make up.
Or have a job outside of the house.

It's really sort of gigantic grey areas without clear lines or boundaries. It's a personal call.

Signs you actually have a real spiritual problem:
  • You always 'go to church' but refused to forgive someone who has wronged you.
  • You habitually lie.
  • You stir up strife among the brethren. 
  • You gossip about things that do not involve you. 
  • You purposefully devise wicked or evil things.
  • You are proud and unwilling to accept correction. 
  • You sing in the choir and discuss how badly/poorly/sinfully everyone was dressed in the congregation over lunch.
  • You make up reasons to be angry with fellow Christians. These reasons are usually based on some kind of feeling or opinion rather than facts. 
  • You constantly worry about things you have no power to change. 
So instead of running around being the Spiritual Police and monitoring what our neighbor is up to or in to, how about we deal each other a measure of grace instead of playing a game of “never have I ever” 😬 cause I have seen/heard things texted, said, photographed, and written by the Precious Angels I teach (high school students) that indicate we should all use caution before hurling a stone. If you thrown them at me I will aim back. I'm not that good of a Christian.

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